Black Lake Booty

Which house will take the cup?

In Black Lake Booty, your combined houses have collected great magical objects and get to hide them in the Black Lake. Your opponent has done the same. You are in a race to be the first to uncover all the magical objects and be victorious! There are six magical objects that take up between 1 and 6 spaces on your Black Lake grid. To play, use the spreadsheets to place all of your six objects on the grid. Each team will roll a die to determine who goes first. Then each team communicator will name a square (A1, B2, etc) and the opposing team will reply with HIT or MISS. You will mark progress on your spreadsheet. Finding each object will be worth points! If you are the first to find that type of object, you earn a bonus of 100 points.

There is also a mystery hidden in the lake (1×1) that the hosts have hidden. It is in a place that NEITHER team has chosen to use. The house that finds this will earn a bonus of 300 points!


    • Type: Game
    • Location: On Discord
    • Frequency: Monthly


    • Use the spreadsheets to place all of your six objects on the grid.
    • Each team will roll a die to determine who goes first.
    • Each team’s communicator will name a square (A1, B2, etc) and the opposing team must reply with HIT or MISS. You will mark progress on your spreadsheet.


    The second round is hidden by the host! The stages are the same, except for the scoring.

    • Golden Snitch (1×1): 300 points
    • Slytherin’s Locket (1×2): 275 points
    • Ravenclaw’s Diadem (1×3): 250 points
    • Hufflepuff’s Cup (1×3): 250 points
    • Sword of Gryffindor (1×4): 200 points
    • Flying Car (1×5): 175 points